Musica Transalpina is a professional vocal & period instrument ensemble dedicated to the research & performance of baroque sacred music.

Our commitment to the highest standards of

Musical Research

We exhaustively source obscure compositions from hard-to-access archives across the globe and are often the first to bring these forgotten masterpieces to the United States.  We utilize a rigorous academic approach in transcribing the original manuscripts to make proprietary musical editions for modern performances.

Female and male historians stand reviewing a book in a library. Globe is in view.

The library at Kremsmünster Abbey, whence a large amount of our repertoire is sourced.

Female and male historians stand reviewing a book in a library. Globe is in view.

The archiepiscopal archive at Kremsier Palace, which preserves a wealth of otherwise lost music from the Habsburg court chapel.

Our uncompromising dedication to

Artistic Excellence

Our elite musicians incorporate the most recent scholarship in their fields to offer world-class performances of historic musical literature seldom heard in America.  We specialize in large-scale choral works from the Counterreformation period: truly some of the most opulent music ever written, but tragically under-performed.

Upcoming Performances

Past Performances

A Mass for Peace

A Mass for Peace

In a rapidly modernizing world marked by conflict, Jacobus de Kerle masterfully weaves the ethereal votive antiphon Da pacem, Domine into a magnificent cantus firmus mass as a cry for peace. Possibly written as a commemoration of the epic sea victory at Lepanto in...

Biber’s Requiem à: 15. in Concerto

Biber’s Requiem à: 15. in Concerto

Join Musica Transalpina as we present Heinrich Biber's rarely-heard Requiem in A Major for All Souls' Day: Saturday November 2, 2024 at 11 A. M. and Sunday November 3, 2024 at 7 P. M.Free liturgical performanceSaturday November 2, 2024 at 11 A. M.The parish church of...

In voce tubæ: Venetian music for Ascension

In voce tubæ: Venetian music for Ascension

“God is gone up with a merry noise: and the Lord with the sound of the trumpet”! Celebrate the sounds of Ascension with a mesmerizing performance of Venetian polychoral music from the dawn of the Baroque, including Giovanni Gabrieli’s Omnes gentes à 16. (published in 1597), one of the earliest extant works written for such enormous forces (calling for four separate choirs!) Alongside this masterpiece, we are presenting Giovanni Croce’s equally impressive Missa super Iubilate Deo à 16. vocibus – also for four choirs – and apparently written at the request of Archduke Ferdinand (future Emperor Ferdinand II.) who met Croce whilst at Venice in 1598. This large-scale composition survives in manuscript form in the Graz Chorbuch, and is receiving its first American performance – and very possibly its first modern performance anywhere – by our Ensemble on Thursday May 9, 2024 at 7 P. M.

These massive compositions imply spectacular instrumental accompaniment, and we are taking full advantage of the opportunities presented by these extraordinary works to include a plethora of period brass, wind, and stringed instruments alongside the virtuoso vocal passages that characterize Venetian liturgical music from this period. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience the beauty of Ascension through music!

Music of the Holy Roman Empire

Music of the Holy Roman Empire

The coronation of Joseph II. at S. Bartholomew's Cathedral in Frankfurt (1764), school of Martin van Meytens.  Courtesy of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.Musica Transalpina is proud to present the following three programs in partnership with Ss. Peter & Paul...

[more] Colossal Baroque

[more] Colossal Baroque

Presenting a second program of Austrian Baroque Following the resounding success of our inaugural concert, Musica Transalpina is proud to satisfy a newfound demand for this opulent sacred repertoire with even more music in the so-called Colossal Baroque style — this...